Saturday, November 12, 2011

Craft Fair!

Guess what! My mom signed me up for a craft fair at her church without my permission hurrah! Truthfully, it was probably the boost I needed. I had been saying I wanted to start selling my art at craft shows for a while, but never got around to it (the usually excuses school,work, blah blah). Now that she got a table for it, I got to do it. Luckily, I got somethings started already to sell.

The merchandise is looking like crocheted slippers, scarves, and hats. I am making some prints to sell too. It will definitely get me some more exposure. My art has been seen by very few and that shouldn't be. I should be sharing it more. How else am I going to make a living? This craft fair is just what I need to step outside my comfort zone.

Here is a quick sample of the slippers I had been creating. They had been apart of a school assignment that I did in September about different types of color contrasts. I just have to make the mates and do two more pairs.


  1. The slippers are so exciting! I love the yellow and purple, yellow being my favorite color. Hmmm? I wonder how yellow and aqua would look? How much are your slippers? Keep blogging and I will do a link back from one of my posts at

  2. Thanks Dragonfly! I like the yellow and aqua combo it I think I might try it. Slippers are $30 dollars. They are still in progress. I will keep blogging. I am realizing how much I like doing it. Thanks for the link back. I will have an update tonight.
